The Celebration of Awen (BMDO DP M1W2)

wheeloftheyearContinuing my Black Mountain Druid Order (BMDO) Dedicant Path (DP), I am still looking at Awen, specifically the Celebration of Awen here in my second week.

While I am not going to do an intense study of the Wheel of the Year right now, I have been thinking more about the change in seasons and how the  circularity of it repeats  each year while we in turn get older and benefit from more experiences. The regular 12-month calendar that we follow does not seem to account for the change in seasons and as such somehow separates us from our natural world. Those of us living in an urban environment are already somewhat distanced, so following the druid (pagan) wheel of the year provides an opportunity to be present to the changes that happen in the natural world, along with traditional human and agrarian activities that follow it.

The part of the year that most resonates with me is Yule, due in part no doubt to how much Christmas is hyped and celebrated in our culture. The light in the darkness and turning point in the seasonal weather follows a tradition familiar since  child, and perhaps that is a useful way to adopt and adapt to what may appear new to many of us.

That the darkness is met with trees that are still green and fragrant, along with a fire that has a feel of safety and new life, makes the period of Yule even more significant. As I recounted how I celebrated Yule a few weeks ago, it is still alive within me, something that helps me to get through what otherwise could be a dark and difficult time of the year.

3 Replies to “The Celebration of Awen (BMDO DP M1W2)”

  1. Julie Brett says:

    Hi there,
    I’m not sure why you have chosen to post my artwork here of the Wheel of the Year for coastal northern Sydney in Australia. It doesn’t have much to do with either Yule or Druidry in countries outside Australia. I am intrigued to find out if there was a reason for using it however.
    If you would like to continue using it here, I would just ask that you credit myself, Julie Brett, as the artist, and mention where you found it. I would also ask that you kindly direct people towards my blog: and our facebook group Druids Down Under where I run workshops and ritual groups for exploring this unique wheel of the year for Sydney.

    All the best
    Julie Brett (nee Mills)

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