@DruidOfOz Furthermore, I like that #druidry is not a faith or spiritual practice that focuses on hegemonic control.
I just updated my avatar; a symbol of the gatherin…
I just updated my avatar; a symbol of the gathering harvest here on Lammas.
@DruidOfOz Nothing like being challenged to grow t…
@DruidOfOz Nothing like being challenged to grow through the openness and freedom of #druidry
@DruidOfOz I used to be somewhat catholic so rules…
@DruidOfOz I used to be somewhat catholic so rules and—to borrow from Foucault’s title Discipline and Punish—legalism were my thing.
@DruidOfOz Interesting how your work and spiritual…
@DruidOfOz Interesting how your work and spirituality have done overlap. Do you find one tends to nourish or dull the other? #druidry