Posted on January 24, 2013 by Fulbert-Avebury@ditzydruid It takes some understanding to ask rel… @ditzydruid It takes some understanding to ask relevant questions. Please share!TweetEmailLike this:Like Loading...
@FulbertAvebury Oh I know, but this individual is not helping me help him. @rocket_tan is feeling the same way.
@FulbertAvebury And I’m trying to be nice and give all this info, but he says he’s confused but never says why.
@ditzydruid @fulbertavebury oh hell yes. It’s pretty brutal. There’s asking for help, and then there’s asking to be spoon-fed!
@ditzydruid @fulbertavebury it’s basically a facepalm. LOL
@FulbertAvebury It’s very difficult to try and help when he isn’t at least trying to answer our questions.
@ditzydruid @fulbertavebury this person should at least be as interested in finding his own answers as we are in helping!