The Wheel of the Year has turned, as here we are already at Imbolc. While a time of the year where the light begins to increase and is also known as Candlemas or Groundhog’s Day, it is a time for purification and the first stirring of new life, both when snowdrops begin to flower and the season of lambs begins, it is a happy celebration. For us here in New York City, this is most readily seen this year in the temperature — today was 62° F in the afternoon.
I plan to do a cleansing ritual tomorrow morning (February 2) on the roof of my building, someplace that is strangely peaceful and quiet at sunrise, far above the waking busyness of Manhattan. I may even borrow from one of the first books I read on druidry, The Solitary Druid by Ellison.
May this turn of the wheel find you cleansed and happy.